So, yesterday and today I did all the technical stuff that makes it possible for me to plug a computer into my piano and notate what I play. I had load up the drivers, and make it work with my notation software. I updated my version of Finale's "Print Music" and loaded it onto Tom's laptop, since that's the computer I'll be using mostly. (My laptop is on it's last leg, and it would kill me if it crashed and erased all my stuff)
Since I only have a few minutes here and there, I was only able to get the first bar of "I believe" notated. I know that only sounds like a little, but I've got the whole song in my brain, so, once I have some time, I'll be able to get it all done and hopefully sent of to Jackman music by the end of March. Woo hoo!! I'm so excited to be finally able to do this.
17 years. I've been writing for 17 years. I'm old.