Sunday, April 5, 2009


So, I've been working on this song for Girls camp for months. Of course not really months, more like 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there, whenever I can grab the time. I thought I had it all worked out when I went to the Temple in February. I was thinking of words and music on the way there and back, and I thought they were right. But they weren't because it just never felt completely right. I prayed and I studied, and I poured over scriptures, and wrote and rewrote words. Then, yesterday morning while I was still in bed, and I thought I was still sleeping, the words came. Completely different, but completely perfect words. And I got up while it was still dark and walked out to find a pen and paper to write them down. Two perfect verses. Then I went back to my room and went to sleep until it was light. Later than morning, I got a chance to sit down at the piano and see if the new words fit with the previous tune I'd had. They didn't at all. But I had a tune in my head for these new words. I just had to tweak it. So, I did. Still it was 10 minutes here, and 10 minutes there throughout the day inbetween my children's needs. But somehow, and some how suddenly, it all came.